Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What's better when you bring a friend?

Just like most thinkgs in life church is better when you don't do it alone!

It's better when you bring a friend. And that's exactly what we @ Second are doing on Saturday, Jan. 28 and Sunday, Jan. 29 – we're calling it Double Day! We'd like to double our attendance in Bible study and worship by asking each person to invite and bring with them a family, friend or neighbor who needs a church home. And with the New Year and all the great things happening in the Second Family, from the new "Countercultural Happiness" sermon series, to women's events, to weekday Bible studies, plus student and children's programming, it's a great time to introduce people to the life of this church.

Found people find people!

Already a part of what's happening @ Second? Invite someone to join you in Bible Study THIS weekend!

Don't have a church home / need to reconnect? Join us this weekend!

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