Monday, February 22, 2010

Dodgeball Season is Here....this SAT!

can't see the video? Go to

HS Area-Wide Dodgeball Tourn

When: This SATURDAY, Feb 27 / 7pm
WHere: Second Baptist North Rec Fields
Who: sponsored by FCA & Chick-fil-A
How Much: $5 / student


Thursday, February 18, 2010

If you do before you will wear yourself out!!!

Yesterday our Senior Pastor Dr. Young gave a message at the C3 (Creative Pastors) conference. I challenge you to read through these notes and ask yourself, "how does this relate to ME, to my church??"

Dr. Young's notes:
  • The question is...What can I...inside my giftedness that I can become, to grow and build up His church in the 21st century?

  • The genius is not in doing...but in being

  • Paul went from synagogue to synagogue in N.T. preaching Christ and no one came to Christ... Then he went out for 3 years and instead of doing...he became who God needed him to be
    When he returned he was different, people saw it
    He preached again and again and nothing happened again, then he went to Tarsus, for 13 years not to be seen until a revival breaks out, and they went and sent Paul, and then the church exploded all over the gentile world through the works Paul did.
    God has us where we are to become who he wants us to be first...before we "do"

  • If you do before you will wear yourself out!!!

  • It's not about what we've's about who we've BECOME!!!!!

He also shared:
10 things that hinder church growth
1. Poor Location
2. A Committee-led Church
3. The Right Size Mentality: You always get the loudest boos from the cheapest seats
4. Negative Preaching
5. Fear of Debt
6. A Staff That Does Not Function
7. A Team Without A Leader
9. Evangelistic Counting - Count with integrity and accuracy
10. Shabby Buildings

10 Things that will Promote Church Growth
1. Leadership, Leadership, Leadership
2. Surplus Parking
3. Visibility - put your flag up...but first make sure it honors Christ
4. A Prioritized of most important things is worship and apostolic teaching and fellowship and prayer then those far from Christ come and see real worship and become part of it and follow Christ
5. Prayer - we should be a House of Prayer...there is power when we seek God's face
6. A Shared Vision - we must have a unity of vision
7. Quality...don't do anything unless it has QUALITY
8. Constant Change - must have a sense of excitment
9. Discernment - One of most important things you must have in ministry
10. Teach and Preach the Bible -

so blessed to be led by such a wise leader and Pastor!


Monday, February 15, 2010


This week was the 3rd week of a 3 week series on Realtionships called "One is the Loneliest Number." We looked at Family, Friends, and lastly Dating relationships. Here are the notes from ths weekend developed by one of our HS team members Patrick Thurman.
Good stuff to keep for yourself
or pass on to friends!


Verses: Ephesians 5:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33-34

1 is the loneliest number…because God designed you to be in relationships
- Deep relationships
- Encouraging relationships
- Godly relationships
But, not all our relationships are godly
SO, we end up “alone”
- Maybe not literally
- We are alone even when we are surrounded by people
- That’s why we do Life Groups!!!

You may think that the solution to not ending up alone is to jump into a dating relationship. Many make this mistake and jump from one relationship to the next. Do not be fooled, if you ignore God’s principles in the end you will end up alone.

Questions to ask yourself…
1. How content are you in your relationship with Christ?
Why do you want a dating relationship?
How well have you pursued your spiritual growth?
2. Have you set physical and emotional boundaries for relationships
you are in or will be in?
3. Would others (family, friends, youth leaders, etc.) say you’re ready?
4. Do you have time for a dating relationship?

If you think you are not ready to date at this point, IT IS OK! Figure out what it is that you may need to work on, and don’t begin dating until you do.

Many people today jump from relationship to relationship. They tell someone they love them and create a relational connection and then they break it off and move onto the next person. This is DIVORCE TRAINING.

Relationship Rule– EPH 5:21
Selfishness will destroy your dating relationships.

WHO should I date?
1 Corinthians 15:33-34 - “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’ Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God - I say this to your shame.”

What causes people to compromise their faith and relationship with God to date non-Christians?

How could dating a non-Christian hurt you? How could it hurt them?

Is it okay to date someone who isn't a Christian? NO

Ephesians 5:3 - “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.”

Set boundaries early and often.
Physical- Never, ever, erver, ever be alone together with someone of the opposite sex!
Mental- Don’t spend to much time together… (Dates, Phone Calls, Text Messages, etc.)
Spiritual- Never PRAY TOGETHER! Explanation (Prayer is an intimate thing between you and God. When you pray together it can have a powerful effect)

When you cross these boundaries you can create a connection that should of never been there.

Get some duct tape and place on a guy’s leg. Rub it in while describing crossing these boundaries. Then talk about a nasty break up and rip the tape off. It will be painful and there may be some tears (just like a break up) Then put it on the next guy and talk about how it looses its stickiness. Overtime if you cross these boundaries you the bond you will create with your spouse may not be as tight because of the previous partners you have had.

Slow-Motion Strategies
1. Remember your age.
2. Enjoy group dates as much as possible.
3. Make one-on-one dates short and casual.
4. Delay physical affection and keep clear boundaries.
5. Stay connected with your friends.
6. Don’t pray together.
7. Don’t even think about mentioning MARRIAGE.

God can heal previous bad relationships and make you “sticky” again

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


On Feb 27, 2010 our High School ministry is hosting a City-Wide Dodgeball Tournament.
Here are the stats:
- $5 / player
- Cash prizes for winners
- Registration beings @ 7pm on Feb 27th
- CHICK-FIL-A serving food!

check out this video straight from Little Timmy
(can't see the video? Click on this link)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Follow Premiere Weekend on Twitter

What is Twitter? If you have ever asked that question watch this short video and learn more about the fastest growing social media in the world.

Follow Premiere Weekend on Twitter by searching #pw10 at
You can also see what's happening in the North Student Ministry by following us on twitter

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hitting up Payless for Haiti

This year @ Premiere Weekend we are partnering with Shoes for Orphan Souls and I'm SO EXCITED! Here is what we get to be a part of in the aftermath of the Haitian Earthquake:
- We're gathering up new shoes to send to Haiti's orphaned children
- The shoes must be new (not expensive) / children's sizes
- Bring them to check-in @ Premiere Weekend on Friday Night @ 6:30pm
- We will then send them to Shoes for Orphan Souls to be sent to orphaned children around the world.

SO, hit up a Payless, Wal-Mart, or Target, grab some new shoes, and help out a child in need! Go for it!
Still need to register for Premiere Weekend? Get a form @ today! You can Register until Friday @ 6:30pm!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Premiere Weekend is THIS weekend!

Premiere Weekend is this Weekend!
We need all your Registration forms turned in this Wednesday for the most amazing weekend of the spring! It's like Beach Retreat in the spring!
get your form @ today!
Here are the 1st 3 Parts of a 4 part movie that will have a HUGE conclusion this year @ Premiere Itself! Check them out!

Here is who will be there:
Kristian Stanfill - WORSHIP
Issac improv - IMPROV GROUP (these guys R funny!)


Monday, February 1, 2010

Write "IT" Down!

Recently I received this email from someone after I challenged him to take up journaling his thoughts to help him think through what God would have him do at this point in his life, he writes:

"I have taken up your challenge and have been journaling. I can not even begin to explain what I have been able to let out this past week. Things I have bottled up for so long and not allowed anyone else to see. Things I have always been ashamed of that I have lied to myself about and to others so they couldn't see so they wouldn't judge me...I'm tired of letting people down, but most of all i'm tired of letting myself down. I have realized I have to let God be my building block from now on. I have to turn over a new leaf."

What about you? Have you ever experimented with the art of journaling what God is saying to you? It's an art no doubt...some journals are organized, others completely random. Some letter-like, others (like mine) are simply an assortment of thoughts and challenges. Either way I challenge you, whoever you are, to write "IT" down! "It" is whatever God has to say to you as you pursue Him that day, and there's no question He has something to say...are you hearing it? Are you capturing "IT"?

Give it a shot for a season - I bet "IT" will revolutionize your walk with God