Sunday, August 10, 2008

What are we trying to build?

great stuff from Growing Leaders...

What Are We Trying to Build?

Matthew ch. 15 tells us that we are to be the light of the world...what a challenge! As I reflect on this I have to ask myself, is that what we are training our students to be? This is what I want to be about - building leaders for Christ's cause. We are trying to build "growing leaders." They will stand in contrast to their peers around the world. They will be counter-cultural. They are marked by these characteristics:

1. Self-absorbed
2. Imitate others
3. Apathetic
4. Consuming
5. Presumptuous
6. Controlling
7. Status quo
8. What can I get?
9. It's about the money
10. Blend in

1. Sacrificial
2. Authentic
3. Committed
4. Generous
5. Grateful
6. Empowering
7. Hungry mind
8. What can I give?
9. It's about a mission
10. Stand out

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