Thursday, November 5, 2009

Everest Series..."The Climb"

Admittedly I'm not the biggest Sooner fan out there, but this Sunday we are walking through Part 2 of our "Everest Series" as we study the life of Joseph. As I looked for today's examples of Joseph it is Sam Bradford's faith in Christ and understanding that whatever happens he's resolved to follow God's leading and plan that impresses me - it's that resolve that will serve him well now that his life's vision for playing in the NFL is in jeaopardy due to his recent injury.

Back to Joeseph...Now Joseph's story is really one of desappointment, after letdown, after abandonment. ONE MINUTE he was 17year old with his entire life before him; the next he was totally @ the mercy of some stranger (their property, imprisoned) Joe didn’t deserve jail…but he responded to it beautifully!
That's the marvel of HIS story! FIRST and foremost Joe had a vital and consistent relationship with the Lord & BECAUSE OF THAT – God used him in strategic and significant ways!

What about you? When mistreatment, disappointment, or abandonment hit you and your feel like life's VICTIM how will you respond?? When you life circumstances don't match up with what you think if God's vision for your life - what will you do?
Read Joseph's story in Genesis 39:20- 40: 23 and learn.

I love Sam Bradford's statement in this video: "The minute you start to think you're 1st and HE's second and what you think and what you have planned in your mind is more important than what HE has planned in your life - that's the minute your life begins to go the wrong way."
What Perspecitive, What Attitude in the face of Adversity!

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Thanks for this post Brian!