Wednesday, January 20, 2010

THIS SPRING: Premiere Wknd / Spring Break Missions / Dodgeball (to name a few)

I just love the spring! We have some great things happening this spring for students! Here is a quick rundown of things coming up between now and March...

Premiere Weekend is the most incredible weekend of the year! High School and JHigh students gather in homes all over the Houston area for an incredible time of fun, friendships, and discussion. Each evening students from all five campuses will come together for an amazing worship experience with talented guests Kristian Stanfill, Issac Improv, and illusionist Drew Worsham. The worship, small group times and activities will make this event one powerful weekend in the lives of our students! Here is Part 1 of a promotional movie we are showing to students that will have a dramatic ending @ Premiere Weekend...
Registration forms and info packets can be found at

Spring Break Mission Trips
High School: Mission Arlington in Arlington, TX / March 14-19 / Cost:$175
JHigh: Mission Kingwood, serving daily here where God planted us / March 15-19 / Cost : tbd
more info at on this year's Spring Break Mission Trips

On Feb 27 we will be hosting a Community-Wide Dodgeball tournament for all our High School Students. Much like Fall Riot on October 7th where we saw 1600 students in attendance and over 150 decisions this will be a Saturday night of outreach, fun, and sharing Christ's gospel. mark down the date today so you can be involved - we will need all our students challenging their friends to play and all our parents helping out to make this a night to celebrate! more info to come soon!!

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