Thursday, February 18, 2010

If you do before you will wear yourself out!!!

Yesterday our Senior Pastor Dr. Young gave a message at the C3 (Creative Pastors) conference. I challenge you to read through these notes and ask yourself, "how does this relate to ME, to my church??"

Dr. Young's notes:
  • The question is...What can I...inside my giftedness that I can become, to grow and build up His church in the 21st century?

  • The genius is not in doing...but in being

  • Paul went from synagogue to synagogue in N.T. preaching Christ and no one came to Christ... Then he went out for 3 years and instead of doing...he became who God needed him to be
    When he returned he was different, people saw it
    He preached again and again and nothing happened again, then he went to Tarsus, for 13 years not to be seen until a revival breaks out, and they went and sent Paul, and then the church exploded all over the gentile world through the works Paul did.
    God has us where we are to become who he wants us to be first...before we "do"

  • If you do before you will wear yourself out!!!

  • It's not about what we've's about who we've BECOME!!!!!

He also shared:
10 things that hinder church growth
1. Poor Location
2. A Committee-led Church
3. The Right Size Mentality: You always get the loudest boos from the cheapest seats
4. Negative Preaching
5. Fear of Debt
6. A Staff That Does Not Function
7. A Team Without A Leader
9. Evangelistic Counting - Count with integrity and accuracy
10. Shabby Buildings

10 Things that will Promote Church Growth
1. Leadership, Leadership, Leadership
2. Surplus Parking
3. Visibility - put your flag up...but first make sure it honors Christ
4. A Prioritized of most important things is worship and apostolic teaching and fellowship and prayer then those far from Christ come and see real worship and become part of it and follow Christ
5. Prayer - we should be a House of Prayer...there is power when we seek God's face
6. A Shared Vision - we must have a unity of vision
7. Quality...don't do anything unless it has QUALITY
8. Constant Change - must have a sense of excitment
9. Discernment - One of most important things you must have in ministry
10. Teach and Preach the Bible -

so blessed to be led by such a wise leader and Pastor!


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