Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Introduc'in Summer Interns 2010 @ SBC North

We have some amazing summer interns, seriously! They just arrived yesterday and I can't wait for everyone to meet them this Wednesday Night at WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIGHTS + CRAWFISH BOIL. Thought I would introduce them to you by way of picture...

Met Pace McKee(HS guys intern)...Pace just finished up his Jr year @ Kansas. Pace hails from Memphis.

Meet Ryan Dooley (JHigh guys intern)....Ryan just graduated from Texas A&M (whoop!)

Meet Megan Puckett (JHigh girls intern)....Megan is from Cypress and went to Second's West campus. She also just graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Education.

Meet Donika Mitchan (HS girls intern)...Donika just finished her Jr year at Texas A&M and if from Corpus!
I just love this time of year...
- Beach Retreat = 19 days away!!!!!
- Interns are here!
- School is almost out!!!
have you signed up for Beach Retreat??? Get registration info HERE

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