Here is the plan:
January 3/4 – Show VERSUS Video / SHIFT Vision Casting Sunday
January 10/11 – Grade vs. Grade Wknd (Target a Friend)
The grade with the most visitors will win candy for all in that grade, the table group with the most visitors will get Shift T-shirts and the student that brings the most friends will get a free Premiere Wknd, Shift Tshirt, and a shot @ Brian with Paintball Gun on the stage.
January 17/18 – Girls vs. Guys Wknd
Battle of the Sexes morning. The guy/girl Life Group with most guests
gets to shave youth staff member’s legs
January 24/25 – Band vs. Band Wknd
Band Directors, Drum Majors, and drum lines invited to perform @ Bible Studies. Drum Lines to perform in SHIFT SM shirts.
February 1st – NFC vs. AFC (Super Bowl Competition Wknd) LifeGroup with most guests wins Gatorade Dump on Youth Staff.
February 7/8 – Premiere Wknd / Breakfast Buffet Breakfast for all students @ Bible Study
February 14/15 – Rockets vs. Mavs Wknd Giveaway Life Group with most guest tickets to Rockets v Mavs game on Fri. Feb 20th
February 22nd - GIVE vs. RECEIVE Wknd Partner with Dry Tears to share the power of selflessness with students. Student with most friends invited who come and get wristband or Tshirt will win prize.
March 1st – School vs. School Wknd (Mascot Challenge) competitions btwn local school mascots and cheerleaders. Toro from Houston Texans to share testimony.
March 7/8 – U vs. The Ball Wknd (City-Wide Dodgeball Tournament - SAT Night)
spread the word - invest in people - invite them to see Christ @ Shift Student Ministry
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