Sunday, April 11, 2010

3 Ways to Finish Strong (Evaluate, Celebrate, Plan Forward)

Recently I shared this simple leadership advice with our "Life Group" Leaders. Adults who lead a group of 10-12 students every weekend for a 1 year commitment which ends/begins anew this June. Their role in our ministry is vital and this is a simple way to encourage them to finish strong. How are you developing your leaders? I'm constantly challenged with that question. Recently, I heard a challenge to "spend your time with the PURPOSE of replicating your faith." It's true - Leaders, in fact, have their own unique mirror - their followers. Lead well.

3 Ways to Finish Strong

1. Evaluate Your Year
Look back and assess what you have accomplished as a group and as a leader. Be encouraged where you should be encouraged and be challenged where you need to be challenged.
Click HERE for a great Group Evaluation resource.

2. Celebrate Your Year
Commemorate the highlights and reward the faithful students who were consistent to the end. Take the group for a special outing, host a sleepover, plan a cookout, get everyone a little gift...Just do something special that communicates the value of 12 months spent together studying God's word, talking about real life, and enjoying each others company.

3. Plan For Next Year
Prayerfully consider serving again alongside us and your students next year. Our bible Study year begins in June with Beach Retreat. We ask that you open your heart to prayerfully consider investing a week of your summer into students – what a way to start off another year of Life Groups!!!

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